Adhesives and Abrasives

Although technically tools, adhesives and abrasives have been distinguised on this page, which provides a few basic notes. While adhesives are substances which bond materials together, abrasives are those materials which smooth surfaces through abrasion. A simple guide of these two things are below.
Below are the two most common adhesives in the workshop: Polyvinyl acetate (PVA), and Epoxy resin.
Polyvinyl acetate (PVA)

PVA is the most satisfactory glue for furniture building. PVA, however, is not impervious to water, and so cannot be used in outdoor projects. It dries clear, although wet scap wool should be used to wip away any excess glue.
Epoxy Resin

Expoy resin is pacakaged in two tubes of chemicals, which need to be mixed together in equal amounts. Once mixed, this adhesive drys very quickly, and is completely waterproof. Epoxy resin is, however, much more expensive than PVA.
Below is a briefing of woodworking abrasives.
Abrasive paper

There is also a large choice of abrasive papers, which must be appropriately selected for the job. They are used to smooth down surfaces before finishing, and are categorised by grit size and abrasive material - a commmon one, for example, is 'Garnet; 180.' A cork sanding block should be used when sanding.